High reproducibility
The ETFD technology is robust and easy to work with and therefore well suited for field methods as well as laboratory methods. Mycometer adapts the test procedure for different applications that match all the qualities of a laboratory test. Both sampling protocols and analysis protocols are standardized specialized for each application, including proper chemistry blank values, instrument normalization which together with a mandatory calibration procedure performed prior to the analysis ensures highly reproducible results across replicate samples as well as multiple instruments, something that is verified by US-EPA in a test report (2011). They found that the reproducibility of samples tested by different technicians using two different instruments was very good with a relative standard deviation on the mean between 1.4 and 8.7 % when different assays and conditions were used. The calculated standard deviation calculation included variability contributions from all steps including both e.g. the air sampling, the analysis, the analyst and the instrumentation. Mycometers tests are used as accredited methods in laboratories, and are documented in numerous independent peer-reviewed scientific publications. Most importantly though, its usability has been verified through its use by our loyal clients some of which are still using it after 20 years, when the company was first started. Mycometer technology has been a DOD preferred technology with the US Department of Defence since 2010. Mycometer is a Danish standard and is mentioned as an accepted method in ASTM Standard 7338 “Standard Guide for Fungal Assessment in Buildings” since 2010. It is also referenced as a recommended method by the Institute of Medicine in the publication “Damp Indoor Spaces and Health” pp 290 ( 2004).