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Mycometer air FAI

Examples of interpretation

The FAI value is an indicator of the presence of a mold source while the level of mold and allergens is in indication of the potential exposure level.

FAI results are divided into 5 interpretation categories: A+, A, B, C and D, derived from the investigation of non-problem buildings as well as buildings with known mold problems.

Results in category A+ and A represent the normal environment in non-problem buildings. Category B is inconclusive as it can be found in non-problem buildings but can also indicate a source with a smaller impact on the room. Categories C and D are considered outside the normal range found in non-problem buildings indicating a mold source.


Case 1 shows results from a living room.

The level of mold level in a living room was 134 while the total allergen level was 1245. The FAI value is calculated as:

(The calculation will automatically be calculated in the excel sheet from which the result sheet can be printed.)

All values in the living room are in category A, which is indicative of a normal environment not influenced by a mold source which is typically found in non-problem buildings.

Case 2 shows results from samples taken in a bedroom.

The FAI value is 98% which is extremely high. The mold value is 635 which is higher than what is normally found in non-problem buildings with a normal cleaning standard. The level of total allergens is 650 which is a typical result in a non-problem building with a normal cleaning standard.

Conclusion: The high level of mold found is due to the presence of a significant mold source (mold growth).

Case 3 shows results from a kitchen. 

The FAI value is 3%, which is quite low, indicating a room not affected by a mold source. The result for mold was 607, which is higher than what is typically found in non-problem buildings while the total allergen level is 17780 which is very high above what is normally found in non-problem buildings with a normal cleaning standard. The potential level of exposure is high for mold and very high for total allergens.

Conclusion: The elevated levels of total allergens and mold are caused by an inferior cleaning standard as the FAI value shows no indications of a mold source that affects the room.   

Case 2 and 3 demonstrate an important advantage of the FAI method. Although the level of mold was almost the same in the two rooms, the conclusion is the opposite. There is a mold source in or in the vicinity of the bedroom in house 1 that amplifies the mold while there is no signs of amplification (no mold growth) in the kitchen.

Mycometer air FAI value or Fungal to Allergen Index measures the ratio between two markers. One marker is a measure of the level of fungal particles such as fungal spores, micro-, and hyphal fragments, and the other marker is a measure of the level of total allergens, such as dust mites, pollen, fungi, insect parts, pet dander etc. The ratio between these markers reveals whether there is a fungal source affecting the indoor climate. The interpretation is based on the levels found in normal non-problem buildings with no visual signs (or smell) of fungal growth or moisture problems and buildings with moisture and/or fungal growth.

Activated air sampling means that a standard protocol defined by Mycometer A/S has been used, where settled dust particles are resuspended in the air. Activated sampling has been shown to give representative and reproducible sample results.

Hidden fungal growth e.g., within wall cavities or below the floor cannot always be revealed using air samples or dust samples independent of what method is being used. If fungal growth is effectively encapsulated so that no fungal particles can escape or have no contaminant pathway into space, the hidden fungal growth cannot be revealed.

Non-problem buildings are defined here as buildings which after inspection show no visual signs of mold growth or visual moisture damage, no musty smell, or other indications of a mold problem.

Fungal sources are used here to mean mold growth, which is a source of amplification, while naturally occurring fungi in house dust is not.