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The Fungal to Allergen Index or FAI is a tool developed to assist the visual (and odor) assessment of buildings. It is based on air sampling, and the primary objective is to give an indication of the presence of a fungal source (fungal or mold growth). But it also gives you the potential exposure levels of both fungi and total allergens.

Mold naturally occurs in all buildings as a part of house dust, along with other organic particles like dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and skin cells, which can trigger allergies. Given its ubiquity, how can one determine if a specific building has a mold source (mold growth)?

While it may seem logical to assume that high mold levels indicate a mold source, dust levels can be heavily influenced by cleaning practices. Effective cleaning can keep dust (and mold) levels low, even in the presence of a mold source, unless the source is substantial. Conversely, poor cleaning in a building with no mold growth may lead to increased mold levels.

Rather than focusing solely on mold levels, the Fungal Allergen Index (FAI) offers a more reliable measure by assessing the relative mold level compared to overall allergen levels, making it independent of cleaning habits.

The FAI:

  • Guides indoor air quality interventions, including the need for mold remediation.
  • Help locate mold sources and identify affected rooms when multiple samples are collected.
  • Highlights areas that need improved cleaning or maintenance.
  • Assists medical professionals in evaluating whether health symptoms might be related to building conditions.
  • Provide documentation material for the mold remediation report.