News from Mycometer
Mycometer is excited to announce the launch of the next generation Mycometer products. Over the last 5 years, we have developed, tested and improved our assays to be more precise, easier to use. The new products have also received a makeover with new, more environmentally friendly packaging with less plastic and much less unpacking. The analysis protocols have been streamlined and now only require one blank value (BV). Our first products to roll out are the new surface tests. Mycometer test will now be called Mycometer surface Fungi. The Bactiquant surface test changes its name to Mycometer surface Bacteria. The 2 new surface products are now released. The new air products will be released in August; more information regarding these will follow. The release of the new products does not mean that the current products no longer work. It simply means that for a period, both the 1st generation and new 2nd generation products will be stocked and available for purchase and use. You will also notice changes to our website, there will be more content, more application notes and we will have a customer login that will give you access to even more content like training videos and new data- and calculation sheets, result sheets, quick protocols and spreadsheets. We have already up-loaded a video that shows how to analyse samples using the new protocol. There will be videos about sampling, analysis of the different tests, calibration of the fluorometer and filtration of samples for quality control. Of course, you are always very welcome to email or call us if there are any questions regarding the analysis or anything else.
Stay Tuned! Release of the New Mycometer Air, Mycometer Allergen and Mycometer FAI will be happening soon!
Mycometer surface Bacteria (MSB)
This test still measures total bacteria biomass on surfaces as before, just changing the name from currently named Bactiquant surface test. Mycometer surface Bacteria is primarily used in connection to floods, sewer backflow and sewer leaks, and on any permanently moist surface where bacteria often dominate over fungi. In addition to a new name and improved packaging, the analysis protocol has changed slightly; only one blank value measurement is made. The sampling, chemistry and interpretation criteria are unchanged.
Mycometer surface Fungi (MSF)
Mycometer surface test is also changing its name, adding Fungi to the title. . It is an improved version with new chemistry, new limit values and a minor adjustment of the analysis protocol. Sampling is unchanged except that the lids on the wetting agent are now white instead of green. As with MSB, the determination of the blank value has been simplified. Instead of measuring BV1, BV2 and calculating a CV, now just one blank value is made. As a user of the 1st generation test, you will notice the new result categories as the biggest change. Category A is now ≤20 instead of ≤25 and Category C is > 136. The improved precision of the new chemistry prompted these changes in a more formal way. In the development work, thousands of parallel samples were taken with the new and old test. The comparison between the new and old test showed that there are is less noise in Category B with the new chemistry and therefore fewer category B answers. However, the approval percentage after quality control of cleaning is the same. The new Mycometer surface Fungi is thus neither more nor less strict than the old Mycometer test.