Verified and Accepted Technology
Mycometers patented technology has been tested and verified by US-EPA (2011). Among other things the reproducibility of the tests and the linearity between microbial level and fluorescence signal was investigated. The reproducibility of samples tested by different technicians on two equipment’s was found to be very good with a relative standard deviation on the mean between 1.4 and 8.7 % when different assays and conditions were used. The calculated standard deviation calculation included variability contributions from both the sampling, the analysis, the analyst and instrumentation.
Mycometer technology Is used as an accredited method in laboratories and is documented in numerous independent peer-reviewed scientific publications and most importantly through its use by our clients some of which are still using it and have used it for more than 20 years, when the company was started.
Mycometer technology has been a DOD preferred technology with the US Department of Defence since 2010. Mycometer is a Danish standard and is mentioned as an accepted method in ASTM Standard 7338-10. “Standard Guide for Fungal Assessment in Buildings” 2010.